Shipping policy


  • We will deliver goods ordered by you as soon as possible to the address you give us for delivery. The exact cost of the delivery depends on the ordered goods’, so the final product transfer price will be visible on the ordering process.
  • All orders will be delivered as detailed at the time of ordering. We have the right to fluctuate any prices in proportion with its costs for shipping, but the cost of delivery will always be notified to you before the completion of your order.
  • Any date or period for delivery shall be considered as indicative only. Any products not available at the time of your order will be sent to you, as soon as possible, when received from the supplier. In any case, delivery will be made within 30 days after the date we accept your order.
  • Upon receipt of your order you will be asked to sign for the goods received in good condition. If the package does not appear to be in good condition but the goods seem undamaged, then please note about this on the delivery documents. If the package does not appear to be in good condition and the goods seem damaged, then please refuse the delivery. Failure to do so may affect any warranty claims that you make thereafter.
  • If the goods we deliver are not what you ordered or are damaged or defective or the delivery is of an incorrect quantity, you shall notify us in writing, at our contact address, of the problem as soon as you found it.
  • Delivery of goods is deemed to have occurred when you have received the goods.
  • If there are delays in the delivery caused by the supplier, the carrier or any other third party then we will contact you as soon as possible to let you know. If there is a substantial delay you may end the contract you shall contact us by e-mail and will be entitled to receive a refund within 30 days for any products you have paid for but not received.